Act with Speed – Alignment – Surprise

Continuous sparring, action and creativity are the principles of advisory. We are fast when necessary and committed to your success. Our basic model to effectively cover all that is necessary is our pmb-model. It shows the relations between the main agents of changing behaviour and perception People, Market and Brand. On request, we gladly provide testimonials for our practices and our way of work. 










Change People and Brand to change Markets

For company-wide or even division-wide change facts are not enough. No shared reality – no change. Communication matters and so we focus on relation and real change with each step we take. Leading change in projects is the centre of our activity because it relates to the core of your company. And ours: getting things done!

      • Setting up classical or Agile Projects
      • Managing them from cradle to success
      • Developing funding (for national funding in Austria and funding by European Commission)
      • Focus on Agility, Digitalization and Change projects with a strong impact on the Market

Increase Revenue 

We are focused on boosting your revenue, cost structure has to follow. We are focused on “striving for” rather than “avoiding”. This is the lens we choose when analyzing People, Market & Brand, “The Growth-Potential Lens”.